Time, Temporalities & Migration Law

International Symposium on the Role and Meaning of Time in Migration Law

Uppsala University // 5-6 September 2024


The Humanities Theatre is part of the English Park Campus – an amazing venue for all kinds of events. The theatre has 137 seats and is equipped with the very latest technology. Apart from the theatre itself, the building also has conference rooms and other social spaces.

Thunbergsvägen 3C
752 38 Uppsala
(Entrance 3C from the park.)

Wifi instruction – Uppsala University


Getting to the Humanities Theatre

By bus

There are several buses which can take you to the Humanities Theatre. Aim for the stop Slottsbacken and you’ll have a 400 metre walk through Carolinaparken. The Humanities Theatre can be found through the entrance marked 3C.

By car

There is parking in several locations near the Humanities Theatre and around the English Park Campus. However, parking requires a special permit which can be collected from the reception desk just inside entrance 3H, or from the theatre staff.  Parking tickets can be bought from the ticket machines found at each parking zone.


Academic Conferences
Phone: + 46 18 67 10 03

Email: ttml2024@akademikonferens.se 

Important dates

Registration opens: 4 June
Registration closes: 14 August

Organised by

Uppsala Universitet

Funded by

Uppsala Forum
Knut and Alice Wallenberg foundation
Wenner-Gren Foundations
Swedish Research Council